chercheur, anthropologue, pédagogue

Category: Association

In memory of Edgard Sienaert

We were saddened to learn of the death of our friend and president Edgard Sienaert from pancreatic cancer on January 2, 2024. He was 83 years old.

Our hearts go out to his family and friends during this ordeal. His funeral took place on Friday January 5 in Bloemfontein, South Africa.

We will always be grateful to Edgard for his friendship, kindness and contribution to the knowledge of Marcel Jousse’s anthropology, both as a researcher and as president of our association.

In mid-December, Edgard informed us of the nature of his recently detected illness, and immediately resigned from his role.

The Board then chose Thomas Marshall to assume the role of President of the Marcel Jousse Association, until the renewal of the Board scheduled for November 2024. A tribute will be paid to him at our Annual General Meeting.

We propose that this article be a space dedicated to Edgard’s memory. Anyone wishing to do so can post a testimonial or message in the comments at the bottom of the page. You can also write to us if you would like us to add content to this article (a text, a photo, a document…).

We’re sure you’ll be as touched as we are by this unexpected news. For the year 2024, it opens a movement of mourning, of passage, but also of gratitude and commitment to continue our mission.

We wish you all the best for the New Year, and wish you the patience and perseverance to carry out your most cherished projects, as Edgard has shown us, in the footsteps of Marcel Jousse.

Members of the Board of the Marcel Jousse Association

Thomas Marshall
Elizabeth d’Eudeville
Gabriel Bourdin
Amaury d’Eudeville
Edith de Pontfarcy
Titus Jacquignon
Muriel Roland

Edgard’s funeral

A letter from the Marcel Jousse Association was read at the ceremony.

Personal messages

A Remembrance by Werner Kelber

A new life for the Jousse archives

On March 31, 2021, the Jousse archives were received by the library of the Institut Catholique de Paris. They will thus be preserved and classified by professionals, then made accessible to researchers, for a better knowledge of his life and work.

After making available to the public all the transcriptions of his lectures, the Association Marcel Jousse has once again taken a major step forward for the posterity of Jousse’s work.

These seven boxes of archives include documents on Jousse’s life and research, as well as on the work of his collaborator Gabrielle Baron after his death, leading to the creation of the Association Marcel Jousse.

Élisabeth d’Eudeville, secretary of the association, has been very persistent for many years in the search for an institution that could receive these archives. An agreement was finally reached with the Institut Catholique de Paris… and the context of the COVID epidemic had again postponed this transfer. So that’s it!

We will keep you informed about the work of valorization which will be carried out under the responsibility of Guillaume Boyer, curator of the ancient and patrimonial collections.

The next event is the planned publication in April of a special issue on Marcel Jousse of the ICP academic journal, Transversalités.

To be continued!

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